Mechanical Engineering is the oldest and the broadest branch of engineering and also the backbone of all engineering disciplines. Mechanical Engineering covers a large area starting from agriculture to biomedical industry, primary manufacturing to robotics, automobile to aerospace, conventional to non-conventional power production. Briefly, this branch of engineering provides basic human needs and also caters to the demand of the most advanced civilized society.
A B. Tech Degree in Mechanical Engineering presents a lot of job opportunities due to vast developments in the fields of Design, Thermal, and Production. A student after completing the Degree in Mechanical Engineering can work in several industries including public and private sectors. With the rapid rate of growth in the industrial sector, the employment potential for Mechanical Engineers is quite high. In the government sector, the fresher can join as Assistant Engineers and go up the ladder as Executive Engineers. A student with a degree in Mechanical Engineering can also find jobs in administrative and managerial positions in government or public sector industries or become a research scholar in Reputed Academic Institutions. The sectors like Non-conventional Energy, Robotics, Aerospace, Agriculture, Automobile, Defense, Chemical, Power Plants, Engineering Consultancy Services as well as the Railways recruit Mechanical Engineers on a regular basis. Thus, there is a wide scope if a student pursues a career in Mechanical Engineering.
Getting enrolled in a renowned institution to pursue one’s dream career is of utmost importance. And if the career is in the area of Mechanical Engineering, then what better than OmDayal Group of Institutions. The journey of Mechanical Engineering Department of OmDayal Group of Institutions started in the year 2010 with a sanctioned intake of 60 students. We offer Bachelor of Technology programme in Mechanical Engineering to the students admitted through WBJEE and JEE Main. It is one of the largest departments in the Institution, with a number of highly qualified and dedicated Faculty Members and experienced Technical Assistants. The department has state-of-the-art laboratory and workshop facilities with sophisticated equipment to provide practical exposure to the students. Since its inception, the Mechanical Engineering department has a wide reputation for the quality of teaching. The events like seminar, workshop, industry visit, vocational training, and internship are organized for the students. In addition to that, the students are also encouraged to participate in various extra-curricular activities. The students of this department also participate in various technical competitions at the national level. The Alumni of our department are successfully working in renowned industries and also pursuing higher studies (Ph. D., M. Tech., MBA etc.) from premier institutions in India and abroad.
Course Information
DURATION | 4 years |
Name of the Laboratory | Apparatus/Equipment/Instruments/Softwares |
Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines Lab | Francis Turbine Notch Apparatus Bernoulli’s Apparatus Venturimeter & Orifice Meter Reynolds’ Apparatus Pelton Wheel Turbine Centrifugal Blower Centrifugal Pump Submerged jet Hydraulic Jump Cavitation Phenomenon Stokes’ Apparatus Major Loss in Pipe Flow Minor Loss in Pipe Flow |
Heat Transfer Lab | Conductivity of Metal Rod Heat Exchanger Pin Fin Apparatus Conductivity of Insulating Powder Emissivity Apparatus Separating and Throttling Calorimeter (Boiler) |
I.C. Engine Lab | 4 stroke Petrol Engine with Morse Test Apparatus Bomb Calorimeter 4 stroke Diesel Engine MPFI Petrol Engine with E.C.U Model of Catalytic Converter Cut Section Model of Diesel Engine |
Applied Mechanics Lab | Rockwell Hardness Tester Universal Testing Machine Spring Stiffness Testing Machine Torsion Testing Machine Impact Testing Machine Fatigue Testing Machine Strain Gauge Friction Testing Machine Compression Testing Machine Research Microscope Disc Polishing Machine D.P Test Kit Magnetic Flux Test Apparatus |
Dynamics of Machines Lab | Motorised Gyroscope Universal Governor Apparatus Static and Dynamic Balancing Apparatus Cam Analysis Machine Universal Vibration Test Rig Hydraulic Braking System Whitworth Quick Return Mechanism Oscillating Cylinder Mechanism Reciprocating Engine Mechanism Scotch Yoke Mechanism Geneva Drive Mechanism Pawl and Ratchet Motion Mechanism |
Metrology & Measurement Lab | Vernier Height Gauge Vernier Depth Gauge Thread Gauge Outside Micrometer Radius Gauge Feeler Gauge Slip Gauge (Gr- I, 87 Pcs) Dial Indicator (0-10mm) Dial Indicator Stand Screw Pitch Gauge Universal Bevel Protractor Sine Bar Angle Gauge V-Block Surface Roughness Tester Profile Projector Thermocouple Anemometer |
Manufacturing Technology Lab | Grain Fineness Testing M/C Moisture Tester Permeability Meter Sand Rammer Mould Hardness Tester Clay Washer Universal Sand Testing M/C Digital Balance MIG Welding Set up Spot Welding Set up Aluminium Melting Furnace Forging Furnace Anvil Swage Block Forging Tools Foundry Set up Arc Welding Set |
Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Lab | Vapour Compression Refrigeration Test Rig Window Type Air Conditioning Test Rig (For determination of COP) Air Conditioning Test Rig (For determination of Bypass Factor) |
CNC Lab | The C.N.C Lathe |
Machining and Machine Tools Lab | The Lathe Milling Machine Shaper Machine Grinding Machine Radial Drilling Machine Hydraulic Hacksaw Tool-Makers Microscope |
Workshop | Combi-Planer Belt and Disc Planer Professional Planer Bench Vice Carpentry Vice Marble Cutter Circular Saw Tree Drilling Machine Various Fitting and Pattern Making Hand Tools |
Drawing Lab | Drawing Table – 30 Nos |
CAD Lab | Computer – 30 Nos Softwares Available: AUTOCAD, CREO, SCILAB |
Curriculum Structure
Year | Semester | Subjects | |
1st | 1st | Theory | Physics – I |
Mathematics –IB | |||
Basic Electrical Engineering | |||
Practical/ Sessional | Physics – I Laboratory | ||
Basic Electrical Engineering Laboratory | |||
Workshop/Manufacturing Practices | |||
2nd | Theory | Chemistry – I | |
Mathematics – IIB | |||
Programming for Problem Solving | |||
English | |||
Practical/ Sessional | Chemistry – I Laboratory | ||
Programming for Problem Solving | |||
Engineering Graphics & Design | |||
Language Laboratory | |||
2nd | 3rd | Theory | Mathematics – III |
Biology | |||
Basic Electronics Engineering | |||
Engineering Mechanics | |||
Thermodynamics | |||
Manufacturing Processes | |||
Practical/ Sessional | Practice of Manufacturing Processes | ||
4th | Theory | Materials Engineering | |
Applied Thermodynamics | |||
Fluid Mechanics & Fluid Machines | |||
Strength of Materials | |||
Metrology and Instrumentation | |||
Practical/ Sessional | Practice of Manufacturing Processes and Systems Laboratory | ||
Machine Drawing – I | |||
Environmental Science | |||
3rd | 5th | Theory | Heat Transfer |
Solid Mechanics | |||
Kinematics & Theory of Machines | |||
Effective Technical Communication | |||
Essence of Indian Knowledge Tradition | |||
Practical/ Sessional | Mechanical Engineering Laboratory I (Thermal) | ||
Machine Drawing II | |||
Project – I (30 hrs Total) | |||
6th | Theory | Manufacturing Technology | |
Design of Machine Elements | |||
Elective – I | |||
Elective – II | |||
Operations Research | |||
Constitution of India | |||
Practical/ Sessional | Mechanical Engineering Laboratory II (Design) | ||
Project – II (90 hrs Total) | |||
4th | 7th | Theory | Advanced Manufacturing Technology |
Elective – III | |||
Elective – IV | |||
Open Elective – I | |||
Economics for Engineers | |||
Practical/ Sessional | Mechanical Engineering Laboratory III (Manufacturing) | ||
Project – III | |||
8th | Theory | Elective – V | |
Elective – VI | |||
Open Elective – II | |||
Open Elective – III | |||
Practical/ Sessional | Project – IV | ||
Comprehensive Viva |
For detailed syllabus visit:
Events and Activities
Seminars – Workshops – Quizzes – Competitions
A 3-Day Workshop on Advances in Mechanical Engineering was organized from 18th to 20th January, 2024. The 3 days program included Industrial Talks and Visits, Departmental Seminars, Hands-on Workshops and Quiz. Guest Speakers from Goel Alloy & Steel (P) Ltd., Mr. Tanmoy Kumar Paul, H.R. Manager and Mr. Chinmay Rit, Design In-Charge, delivered lectures on Industrial advancements in mechanical sectors. This was followed by an Industrial visit to Goel Alloy & Steel (P) Ltd (Industrial Unit, UIDC, Birshibpur. The departmental seminar sessions were presented by the faculty members of the Department of Mechanical Engineering. A hands-on workshop on CNC was conducted for the students, where they learnt programming and performed actual machining operations on the CNC. Also, a technical quiz competition, “Inquisitive 2.0” was conducted on the final day.

A Lecture Session on Recent Advancement In Steel Industries & Its Impact On Indian Economy under Alumni Lecture Series was organized on 13thMarch, 2023. Mr. Prabuddha Sinha, Junior Engineer – C, Tata Steel, HMC Div. (West Bengal), was the Guest Speaker of the event.The aim of the webinar was to introduce the present students of the college with their senior and to establish a synergetic relationship between them. The speaker discussed the processes of testing steel by subjecting to different properties like thermal, chemical, mechanical, etc. He further explained the quality standards maintained by the steel industries which are based on the ISO guidelines & specifications. Lastly, he discussed how the steel industries are influencing the growth of economy of India.

An Online Webinar on Emerging Technologies in Industrial Automation was organized on 2nd April, 2022 for all the Engineering students. Mr. Debasis Dey, Senior Engineer, Ceratizit India Pvt. Ltd., was the Guest Speaker of the event.The webinar was aimed at discussing the modern cutting-edge technologies especially automation which are creating a high impact on various industrial sectors like manufacturing, material handling, packaging, automobile, etc. The Speakerdiscussed about the various types of cutting tools associated with modern CNC machines used in Industries. He talked about the design and manufacturing of those tools and their applications in various sectors.

An Online live Webinar on An Exclusive session on GATE/ESE was organized on 9th February, 2022 for all the Engineering students. Mr. K.N. Rao (Tutor, Unacademy), was the Chief Guest Speaker of the event.The webinar was aimed at discussing the recent major changes in GATE examination pattern and rules made by the GATE organizing committee. The Speaker discussed the various opportunities students can seek through GATE examination.

A Lecture Session on Modern Manufacturing System under Alumni Lecture Series was organized on 11th December, 2021. Mr. Dipanjan Dey, Engineer, Ceratizit India Pvt. Ltd. (WB), was the Guest Speaker of the event.The aim of the webinar was to introduce the present students of the college with their senior and to establish a synergetic relationship between them. The students were also informed about the various opportunities that Mechanical Engineers have once they graduate.The Speakerdiscussed about various cutting tools (insert, carbide, etc) used in modern manufacturing industries. These tools reduce the lead time and enhance prominent work. He also discussed about the various manufacturing processes of these tools.

A Webinar on Career options for Mechanical Engineers in Thermal and Marine Sectors was organized on 24th July, 2021. Mr. Debabrata Dey, Former Executive Director, WBPDCL (West Bengal) and Mr. Vikash Yadav, Chief Engineer on Merchant Vessel were the Guest Speakers of the event.The aim of the webinar was to provide knowledge about job opportunities in Thermal and Marine Sectors.Mr.Dey emphasized on the skills required for a mechanical engineer in thermal power plants and allied sectors. While Mr. Yadav explained the job roles and skill requirements in a merchant vessel.

A Webinar on Recent Trends to save Global Environment was organized on 14th June, 2021. Mr. Debabrata Dey, Former Executive Director, WBPDCL (West Bengal), was the Guest Speaker of the event.The aim of the webinar was to provide knowledge about the latest activities being done worldwide to keep the environmental degradation under control.The Speaker discussed about the climate change and two of its main reasons, i.e., power generation and food/ land use. He discussed about the greenhouse emissions and changes in temperature around the world. He talked about India’s contributions towards saving the environment. Finally, He highlighted the technologies available to control emissions from Thermal Powerplants.

An Online Quiz Competition, Q-riosity 1.0 was organized and conducted by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, OmDayal Group of Institutions on 17th August, 2020. The program started with a virtual introductory session with the participants followed by the online quiz.

A Webinar on A Guide for an Aspiring Mechanical Engineer on Career Choices and Opportunities in a Post Pandemic Society was organized by OmDayal Group of Institutions on 13th June, 2020. Mr. SrikantaPaladhi, Deputy General Manager, Toyo Engineering India Pvt. Ltd. was the Chief Guest Speaker of the event.The aim of the webinar was to discuss about possible job opportunities for aspiring candidates of Mechanical Engineering after the Covid19 Pandemic era.The Speakerhighlighted the sectors where the requirement for a mechanical engineer shall increase. He also discussed the job roles and skill requirements for such jobs.

A Quiz Competition Inquisitive 2020 was organized and conducted by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, ODGI, on14th March, 2020 at the Ground Floor Seminar Hall. The event comprised of written and visual rounds of stimulating questions asked from a wide range of topics including Basic Science Laws and modern-day Engineering.

A Seminar titled Overview of Solidworks and 3D Printing was organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, ODGI, on 13th March, 2020 at the Ground Floor Seminar Hall. The Seminar was a part of the co-curricular activities under the Students’ Chapter of The Institution of Engineers, India. Respected speakers from CADD Centre Training Services Pvt. Ltd, Kolkata and Pelf Infotech Pvt Ltd, Kolkata spoke about the various aspects of 3D Printing Technology and the importance of Solidworks Software in present day Engineering, along with practical demonstrations.

A quiz competition on Engineering and Technology in India was organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, ODGI on 26th September 2018. The event was organised as a part of the co-curricular activities under Students’ Chapter of The Institute of Engineers (India). A small talk on various aspects of development of Engineering and Technology in India was presented by Mr. Parthasarathi Chattopadhyay (MIE).

A Workshop on Industrial Automobile Application was successfully organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, ODGI on 5th October, 2018. The aim of the workshop was to provide knowledge about present day automobile technology and its future objectives. Respected Speaker, Mr. Jit Dutta discussed about the various programs and researches which are going on around the world in the automobile sector. He detailed the advantages and disadvantages of the present-day automobile technology. He further explained the emission norms or standards for vehicles across India (BSES) and briefly compared them with the foreign standards. The presentation was followed by a live demonstration of a car (model – TATA NANO) in the Mechanical Workshop.

A seminar on Applications of Solar Energy for Controlled Environment Cultivation and Food Preservation was organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, ODGI on 27th February, 2018. The aim of the seminar was to make the students aware of the utilization of solar energy in greenhouse technology and food preservation (cold storage). Respected Speaker, Dr. AritraGanguly, Asst. Prof., ME Department, IIEST (Shibpur), discussed the principle and application of solar greenhouse technology in protected cultivation of rose flowers round the year in the climatic condition of Bagnan, Howrah. The need and viability of solar supported cold storage facilities for short and long term food preservation were also discussed.

A workshop on Recent Advances in Non-Conventional Machining was organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, ODGI on 30th August, 2017. The aim of the workshop was to make the students aware of the non-conventional/traditional machining processes in modern industrial approach. Respected Speaker, Mr. Sibabrata Mondal, Scientist – C, Society for Applied Microwave Electronics Engineering & Research, Govt. of India, Kolkata Centre, discussed the principle, application and procedure of different types of non-conventional machining processes, as well as their advantages and disadvantages.

A two-day seminar on Overview of Industrial Design and Carbide Cutting Tools was organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, ODGI on 1st and 2nd September, 2016. Mr. Shyam Sundar Mukhopadhyay, Executive Director (Engg.) of EMT Megatherm (P) Ltd. was present to deliver his lecture on design practices and standardization existing in Industrial design of equipment and machineries. Mr. SaranathBhaduri, Vice President (Manufacturing) Ceratizit (I) Pvt. Limited, delivered lecture on manufacturing science and carbide tools.

A one-day workshop on 3D Designing, Scanning and Printing was organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering and conducted by M/S Srijan Creation on 4th May, 2016.A brief lecture session followed by live demonstrations of 3D printing were shown to the students.
The Department of Mechanical Engineering gives special emphasis and attention in bringing out the new ideas and concepts through different kinds of projects by the students. Some of the notable projects done are: High Efficiency Artificial Draft Cooling Tower, Portable Bowling Machine, Portable Evaporative Cooler, Hybrid Cooling System, Remote Controlled E.O.T. Crane, Fire Fighting System with Light Sensor, Automatic Gas Detection System Portable Drain Cleaner, Hands-Free Water Dispenser, Stair Climbing RC Robot, Mechanical Arm, Vapour Compression Refrigerator, Go-Kart, Power Generation from Railway Track, Solar Greenhouse Dryer, Solar Pump, Solar Powered Air Compressor, Portable Vacuum Cleaner, Pelton Wheel, Segway, Automated Conveyor, Hydraulic Ram Pump & Hydraulic Robotic Arm.
High Efficiency Artificial Draft Cooling Tower:
Cooling towers are required in a plant to cool the utility water requirement which is used for cooling of various equipment. In Artificial cooling tower, air is forced to flow in the opposite direction to that of the water flow. And the water flow is broken into smaller drops of water thus increasing the surface area of the water droplet. The air which is flowing in the counter direction comes in direct contact with the water droplets and evaporation takes place. Then this water is recirculated in the cooling tower.
Portable Bowling Machine:
A portable bowling machine consists of a rotating wheel and guide runner. Cricket balls can be thrown at different speeds by this machine easily. It can be used in batting as well as catching practice.
Portable Evaporative Cooler:
A portable bowling machine consists of a rotating wheel and guide runner. Cricket balls can be thrown at different speeds by this machine easily. It can be used in batting as well as catching practice.
Hybrid Cooling System:
The Hybrid Cooling System project is a full-scale working modelcomprising of a refrigerator and an air-conditionersystem workingon a single compressor. Further, temperature management in both the chambers are done by the same system.
Remote Controlled E.O.T. Crane:
A working prototype of an Electric Overhead Traveling crane which can be operated using remote controller. The EOT crane is equipped with the mechanical arrangements in order to carry the load (pick up and down) and move forward and backwards for delivering loads.
Fire Fighting System with Light Sensor:
The photoelectric fire detector uses a light detector (receiver). When a pre-set amount of light (emitted from fire) lands on the receiver, the detector signals and activates the water pump which then extinguishes the fire.
Automatic Gas Detection System:
The gas detectors can be used for the detection of combustible, flammable and poisonous gases and for loss of oxygen, and also to detect a gas leak or other pollutants. It detects the area where the leak occurs and gives a warning sound and instructs the operators to leave the area.
Portable Drain Cleaner:
A machine that segregates solid waste from a sewage or a flowing drain and prevents clogging. It is operated by a chain drive mechanism with a number of rakes attached to the drive. The moving rakes catch solid wastes from the sewage and trash them in the catcher. It can run on AC and Battery as well.

Hands-Free Water Dispenser:
A water dispenser model that limits the wastage of water in a wash basin. The system is a hygienic one as the opening and closing of the tap is entirely hands-free and is operated by tapping a pedal provided below the basin, with the feet.

Stair Climbing RC Robot:
A six-wheel Remote Controlled Robotic Car that can climb stairs, with loads on it. The front two pairs of rotating arms enable the robot to climb up steps without toppling. It can be used in search-and-rescue operations.

Mechanical Arm:
This is a prototype of industrial robotic arm. It helps in material handling specially ‘pick and place’ in modern automotive industries, heavy steel manufacturing industries, etc.

Vapour Compression Refrigerator:
A low-cost small-scale refrigerator based on vapour compression system has been developed for domestic application. The refrigerator is capable of maintaining sub-zero temperature in the refrigerated space.

A simplified prototype of four-wheeler capable of carrying approximately 200 kg load has been developed using a single cylinder four stroke 220 cc petrol engine with simplified driving mechanism and chassis.

Power Generation from Railway Track:
This project aims at generating electricity from the motion of train coaches on railway track. The power generated and stored can be utilised for signalling system, illuminating platforms, water purification etc.

Solar Greenhouse Dryer:
A small-scale experimental setup of solar greenhouse dryer operated on forced convection mode has been developed. It is used to dry various high value perishable products by the application of solar energy. It enhances the rate of drying as well as increases the quality of the product. It has considerable potential of CO2 mitigation.

Solar Pump:
Solar pump is a portable DC pump that draws power from a 12V 1A battery which is charged by a solar panel set at a suitable angle to catch the optimum solar insolation. The pump developed a discharge head of 10m.

Solar powered Air Compressor:
The prime mover of a solar compressor machine is an electric motor deriving energy from battery which is powered by a solar panel. It can be used to pressurize carbon dioxide to generate carbonated water.

Portable Vacuum Cleaner:
A portable vacuum cleaner has been developed by the students of Mechanical Engineering Department which is very handy to move about for domestic cleaning purpose. It can clear dust, dirt, sand particles from nooks and crannies of domestic furniture and household items.

Pelton Wheel:
It is a small head water turbine that generates enough energy to charge a 12V 1A battery by drawing water from a level of 10m.

The Segway is a two-wheeled, self-balancing, battery-powered electric vehicle used to move across distances in open space. Generally, it is used in shopping mall, airport etc. Our student built such a vehicle with a load capacity of 50 Kg.

Automated Conveyor:
The concept of this conveyer system is to run the conveyor belt at loaded condition only. It will automatically stop when the load is withdrawn, thus minimizing the power consumption. Our students used photo sensor and the master controller to actuate the movement of the belt.

Hydraulic Ram Pump:
Hydraulic ram pump is a device with which small quantities of water can be lift to higher level from the available large quantity of water at low head without the consumption of any electrical energy. Our students were successful to lift water at a height of 2.5 m.

Hydraulic Robotic Arm:
A robotic arm is a type of mechanical arm, operated by hydraulic power generally used in material handling equipment. Our students made a prototype of the same by using water as the driving fluid.

Industrial Visits
Industrial Visit at Goel Alloy & Steel (P) Ltd., Birshibpur, Howrah (West Bengal) on 18.01.2024
Industrial Visit at Parle Biscuits Pvt. Ltd., Dhulagarh, Howrah (West Bengal) on 06.01.2024
Industrial Visit at ITC Limited – Food Division, Uluberia, Howrah (West Bengal) on 29.08.2023
Industrial Visit at ITC Limited, Panchla, Howrah (West Bengal) on 30.05.2022
Industrial Visit at Parle Biscuits Pvt. Ltd., Dhulagarh, Howrah (West Bengal) on 22.12.2021
Industrial Visit at Betterman Engineers Pvt. Ltd., Uluberia, Howrah (West Bengal) on 20.09.2019
Industrial Visit at TEGA Industries Ltd., Raypur, South 24 Parganas, (West Bengal) on 10.10.2018
Industrial Visit at “DANGO & DIENENTHAL (India) Pvt. Ltd.” Jalan Complex, Junglepur, Howrah (West Bengal) on 07.08.2018
Industrial Visit at Betterman Engineers Pvt. Ltd., Uluberia, Howrah (West Bengal) on 13.02.2018
Industrial Visit at Manis Baking SolutionsPvt. Ltd., Dhulagarh, Howrah (West Bengal) on 07.09.2017
Students’ Activities
Students of the Department of Mechanical Engineering have participated in:
- A Seminar on Lean Management – Basics organized by Toyota Kirloskar Motor Private Limited on 8th December, 2022.
- Industrial Training on Emerging Technology (3D Printing) conducted by Webel Fujisoft Vara – Centre of Excellence in Industry 4.0, Newtown, Kolkata (WB) from 23rd August to 24th August, 2022.
- SPARC online lecture series on Design, Fabrication and Application of Microsystems and Microfluidicsorganized by IIT Madras, NIT Karnataka and Concordia University, Canada from 12th to 16th August, 2022.
- A National Level Awareness Quiz on Consumer Rights organized by Department of Commerce, HKBK Degree College, Bangalore on 15th March, 2022.
- IP Awareness/Training Program under National Intellectual Property Awareness Mission organized by Intellectual Property Office (GOI) on 14th March, 2022.
- Online Training on Basic Solar Pump Technician conducted by Environment Conservation Society (SwitchON Foundation) from 22nd October to 17th November, 2021.
- Online Course on Basics of Geocomputation and Geoweb Services conducted by IIRS Dehradun, ISRO & Department of Space, Govt. of India from 25th October to 2nd November, 2021.
- 11th CII Education Summit organized online by Confederation of Indian Industry from 21st October to 22nd October, 2021.
- Two-day short course online on MPI in Action: Parallelization of Unsteady Heat Conduction Solvers organized by IIT Goa NSM Nodal Center for Training in HPC and AI from 2nd October to 3rd October, 2021.
- An Online Training on Solar Pump Technician Workshop was conducted by Environment Conservation Society (SwitchON Foundation) from 13.09.2021 to 18.09.2021.
- A Webinar on Additive Manufacturing: Reinventing Design and Manufacturing was organized by McGraw Hill Education on 26.06.2021.
- A Webinar on Life Beyond Studies was jointly organized by Bundelkhand Institute of Engineering and Technology – Jhansi, State Project Implementation Unit – Uttar Pradesh and Super 77 on 13.06.2021.
- A Webinar on All Journey Start with a 1st Step Organized by MAKAUT, WB on 08.06.2021.
- A National Level Marketing Quiz was conducted by the Department of Management Studies, SRM Trichy Arts and Science College, Trichy in June 2021.
- One-day webinar on Solidworks Product Modelling and Analysis organized by CADD Centre, New Alipore on 8th May, 2021.
- One-day webinar titled Virtual Master class on Electrical Vehicle organized by CII (Confederation of Indian Industry) on 27th June, 2020.
- One-day webinar titled Virtual Master class on Industrial Automation organized by CII (Confederation of Indian Industry) on 19th June, 2020.
- One-day webinar titled Virtual Master class on Machine Learning organized by CII (Confederation of Indian Industry) on 14th June, 2020.
- An Engineering Model created by a group of 2nd year students from Department of Mechanical Engineering was selected for display at the Innovative Project Exhibition on National Science Day 2019 organized by MAKAUT (WB) and its Technology Business Incubator (TBI), EKTA Incubation Center.
- A National Conference on Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow was organized by Future Institute of Engineering and Management (Sonarpur, WB) on 4th October 2018. A total of 12 Students from the Department of Mechanical Engineering (ODGI) participated in the Conference.
- A Two-day National Seminar on Recent trends in Mechanical Engineering was organized by Future Institute of Engineering and Management (Sonarpur, WB) on 28th & 29th March 2018. A total of 13 Students from the Department of Mechanical Engineering (ODGI) participated in the Seminar.
Faculty Profile
Faculty Members
Faculty Members
Sl. No | Name | Designation | Experience in Years | Specialization |
1 | Dr. Yogesh Kumar Sinha | Principal & Professor | 25 | Aeronautics |
2 | Dr. Ranjit Barua | Assistant Professor | 10.5 | Manufacturing |
3 | Sumit Bhowmik | Assistant Professor | 7.5 | Design |
4 | Deepanjan Das | Assistant Professor | 18.5 | Mechanical |
5 | Arindam Banerjee | Assistant Professor | 18 | Production |
6 | Bikash Kumar Mondal | Assistant Professor | 16 | Aeronautics |
7 | Ananya Mondal | Assistant Professor | 4 | Aeronautics |
Technical Assistants
Sl No. | Name | Designation | Specialization | Experience |
1 | Debasish Banerjee | Technical Assistant | Mechanical Engineering | Teaching: 12 years Industrial: 10 years |
2 | Premchand De | Technical Assistant | Mechanical Engineering | Teaching: 11 years Industrial: 9 years |
Research Publications
- Barua, R. (2024). An In-Depth Exploration of AI and Humanoid Robotics’ Role in Contemporary Healthcare. V. Grover, B. Balusamy, N. M.K., V. Anand, & M. Milanova (Eds.), Approaches to Human-Centered AI in Healthcare (pp. 42-61).
- Barua, R., Das, D., & Biswas, N. (2024). Revolutionizing Drug Discovery With Artificial Intelligence: Enhancing Efficiency, Addressing Ethical Concerns, and Overcoming Limitations. V. Grover, B. Balusamy, N. M.K., V. Anand, & M. Milanova (Eds.), Approaches to Human-Centered AI in Healthcare (pp. 62-85).
- Barua, R., Bhowmik, S., Banerjee, A., & Banerjee, D. (2024). The Emerging Advancement of Robotics in the Modern Agriculture Field. Agriculture and Aquaculture Applications of Biosensors and Bioelectronics (pp. 253-265).
- Banerjee, A., Barua, R., Sarkar, U. K., Biswas, N., (2024). Natural Convective Heat Transfer in an Elliptic Annulus filled with Nanofluid. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, Jan 5-6 (pp. 53-56).
- Datta, S., Barua, R., Prasad, A. (2023). Additive Manufacturing for the Development of Artificial Organs. Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Techniques for Biomedical Applications, (pp. 411-427).
- Datta, S., Barua, R. (2023). Advanced Materials for Surgical Tools and Biomedical Implants. Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Techniques for Biomedical Applications, (pp. 25-35).
- Barua, R., Datta, S. (2023). Artificial intelligence in modern medical science: A promising practice. In Recent Developments in Machine and Human Intelligence (pp. 1-12).
- Datta, S., Barua, R., & Das, S. (2023). Role and challenges of bioprinting in bone tissue engineering. In Handbook of Research on Advanced Functional Materials for Orthopaedic Applications (pp. 205-218).
- Barman, S., Das, T., Hazra, R., Banerjee, D., Barua, R. (2023), "Study and Analysis of the Advancement of CNC-Rapid Prototyping Application in Modern Automated Manufacturing". Journal of Mechanical Robotics, Vol. 08, No. 01, (pp. 22-27).
- Kumar, A., Kar, S., Shee, P., Bhowmik, S., Barua, R. (2023), " Analysis of Advanced Welding Techniques’ Sustainability in Green Manufacturing Systems". Journal of Advancements in Material Engineering, Vol. 05, No. 01, PP. 22-26.
- Barua, R., Bhowmik, S., Dey, A., Das, S., & Datta, S. (2022, September). Analysis of Robotically Controlled Percutaneous Needle Insertion into Ex Vivo Kidney Tissue for Minimally Invasive Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy (PCNL) Surgery. In International Conference on Emergent Converging Technologies and Biomedical Systems (pp. 249-257). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
- Barua, R., Mondal, J. (2023). “Study of the Current Trends of CAD (Computer-Aided Detection) in Modern Medical Imaging”. In L. Panigrahi, S. Biswal, A. Bhoi, A. Kalam, & P. Barsocchi (Eds.), Machine Learning and AI Techniques in Interactive Medical Image Analysis (pp. 35-50).
- Barua, R., Das, S., & Mondal, J. (2023). “Emerging Applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) in Modern Urology”. In R. Queirós, B. Cunha, & X. Fonseca (Eds.), Exploring the Convergence of Computer and Medical Science Through Cloud Healthcare (pp. 117-133).
- Rahaman, S., Shee, P., Kumar, A., Das, D., Bhowmik, S., Barua, R. (2022). “Analysis of Inverse Dynamics of 6-DOF Stanford Robotic Arm by Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Interference System (ANFIS)”. Journal of Mechanical Robotics, Vol. 07, No. 03, pp 1-7.
- Barua, R., Datta, S., & Banerjee, D., (2022). “Computational Study of In-Vivo CT-Based FEM Application in Bone Tissue Engineering.” S. Marcos-Pablos, & J. Juanes-Méndez (Ed.), Technological Adoption and Trends in Health Sciences Teaching, Learning, and Practice (pp. 300-316).
- Barua, R., Bardhan, N., & Banerjee, D., (2022). “Impact of the Polar Ice Caps Melting on Ecosystems and Climates.” A. Vasishta, G. Duca, & S. Travin (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Water Sciences and Society (pp. 722-735).
- Barua, R., Banerjee, D., & Bhowmik, S. (2022). “Study of the Potential Impact of Microplastics and Additives on Human Health”. S. Joo (Ed.), Assessing the Effects of Emerging Plastics on the Environment and Public Health (pp. 128-147).
- Barua, R., Rahaman, S., Shee, P., Das, P., Kumar, A. (2022). “Study and Analysis of Inverse Dynamics of 3 DOF Planar Arm Robot by Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System”. Journal of Mechanical Robotics (pp. 10-16).
- Barua, R., Banerjee, A., Bhowmik, S., Banerjee, D., 2022, “Study the Application of Nanofluid in Solar CPVT/PVT system”, Proc. 2nd International Conference on Thermal Engineering and Management Advances (ICTEMA 2022), RE 35, pp. 18.
- De, R. K., and Ganguly, A., 2021, “Modeling and analysis of a solar thermal-photovoltaic-hydrogen-based hybrid power system for running a standalone cold storage”, Journal of Cleaner Production, Elsevier, 293, pp. 1-15.
- Barua, R., Das D.K., 2020, “Experimental Analysis the Forward and Reverse Motion of Three Omnidirectional Wheel Robot (TODWR)”, Journal of Mechanical Robotics, Vol. 05, No. 03, pp. 12-15.
- Das D.K., Barua, R., Datta, S., 2020, “Influence of Copper Addition on Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of Eutectic Al-12Si-Xcu Alloy Produced Through Powder Metallurgy Process”, Journal of Advancements in Material Engineering, Vol. 05, No. 02, pp. 23-27.
- De, R. K., and Ganguly, A., 2020, “Performance comparison of solar-driven single and double-effect LiBr-water vapor absorption system based cold storage”, Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, Elsevier, 17, pp. 1-12.
- Barua, R., Datta, S., RoyChowdhury A., Datta P., 2020,“The Advancement of 3D BioPrinting Technology Used as Bio-Manufacturing Process”, 35th Indian Engineering Congress, organized by The Institution of Engineers (India), pp. 1253-1257. ISBN 978-81-950662-0-9.
- Barua, R.,Datta, S., Ray, S., Mondal, S., 2020, “Study the parametric optimization of lap joint resistance spot welding process by Taguchi method”, Proceedings on International Conference on Advancements in Mechanical Engineering (ICAME 2020), Organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering at Aliah University, Jan 16-18, Kolkata, India.
- Barua, R., Giria, H., Datta, S., Roychowdhury, A., and Datta, P., 2019, “Force modeling to develop a novel method for fabrication of hollow channels inside a gel structure.” Journal of Manufacturing, The Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part H, 234 (2), pp. 223-231.
- De, R. K., and Ganguly, A., 2019, “Energy and economic analysis of a solar supported multi-commodity cold storage”, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Science and Engineering, Springer, 41, pp. 1-17.
- De, R. K., and Ganguly, A., 2019, “Energy, exergy and economic analysis of a solar hybrid power system integrated double-effect vapor absorption system based cold storage”, International Journal of Air-conditioning and Refrigeration, World Scientific, 27, pp. 1-13.
- De, R. K., and Ganguly, A., 2019, “Thermal modeling and performance analysis of a solar assisted double-effect vapor absorption system based cold storage”, Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Clean and Renewable Energy (ICCARE), 10th -12th July, NIT Durgapur, India.
- Datta, S., Barua, R., and Das, J., 2019, “Importance of Alginate Bioink for 3D Bio printing in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine.” Recent Uses of This Natural Polymer, 72, pp. 904-912.
- Barua, R., Giria, H., Datta, S., Roychowdhury, A., and Datta, P., 2019, “Study the Bioprinting Process in Biomedical and Tissue Engineering Fields.” Journal of Biomed. Elsevier, 15, pp.111-116.
- De, R. K., and Ganguly, A., 2018, “Solar Thermal Energy-Fundamentals of Collection, Storage and Applications”, Advances in Renewable Energy and Sustainable Systems, USA: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. ISBN: 978-1-53614-022-4, pp. 57-95.
- De, R. K., and Ganguly, A., 2018, “Conceptual design and performance analysis of a parabolic trough collector supported multi-commodity cold storage”, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 402, pp. 1-10.
- Barua, R., Dutta, S., Sarkar, R., Datta, P., Barui, A., 2018, “Design and development of Alginate: Poly-Llysine Scaffolds by 3D printing and studying their mechanical, structural and cell viability properties”, Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ICAME), Mar 22-24, SRM, Chennai.
- De, R. K., and Ganguly, A., 2016, “Performance analysis of a solar hydrogen supported hybrid cold storage”, Proceedings of 31st Indian Engineering Congress, December 15–18, Kolkata
- Barua, R., and Mukherjee, S., 2016, “A Study of Taguchi Method Analysis for the Optimization of Factors of Eutectic Al-12Si-xCu Alloy Produced Through Powder Metallurgy Process” International Research Journal Engineering & Technology, 3(6), pp.164-167.
Seminar, Conferences and Workshops attended by Faculty
- Dr. Ranjit Barua, Deepanjan Das, Sumit Bhowmik, Arindam Banerjee & Bikash Kumar Mondal participated in the 1-Week FDP on “Recent Advancements and Future Trends in AI and NLP” conducted by Global Institute of Science & Technology, Haldia, WB from 15th April to 19th April, 2024.
- Dr. Ranjit Barua participated in “The Seventh Edition of Webinar on Next Generation IoT” organized by the IEEE Communications Society on 15th February, 2024.
- Dr. Ranjit Barua, Deepanjan Das, Sumit Bhowmik, Arindam Banerjee & Bikash Kumar Mondal participated in the “NEP Orientation and Sensitization Programme under Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Programme (MM-TTP)” conducted by University of Calcutta from 5th February to 15th February, 2024.
- Arindam Banerjee participated in the “2nd International Conference on Mechanical Engineering (INCOM 2024)” organized by Jadavpur University from 5th January to 6th January, 2024.
- Dr. Ranjit Barua participated in “Hands on Training on Nanofabrication and 3D Printing Technologies” organized by IIT Hyderabad from 26th December, 2023 to 2nd January, 2024.
- Dr. Yogesh Kumar Sinha Participated in the Leadership Workshop on “Hubs of Learning for Principals on Education Institutions” organized by The Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta, in association with The Departments of Higher and School Education, Govt. of West Bengal, from 8th November to 9th November, 2024.
- Deepanjan Das participated in the 1st Indian Conference on “Micro Nano Fluidics – From soft matter to Bioengineering” organized by IIT Madras from 29th September to 1st October, 2023.
- Ranjit Barua participated in the Seminar on “Indo-Pacific Economic Conclave 2023” organized by Bengal Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Kolkata, from 28th September to 29th September, 2023.
- Bikash Kumar Mondal participated in the “Future of Jobs Summit 2023” organized by CII – Eastern Region, Kolkata on 28th September, 2023.
- Sumit Bhowmik participated in the 2-Day National Workshop on “Research Writing and Publication Strategies” organized by MBien Analytica and Systems in association with Adionic Informatics from26th August to 27th August, 2023
- Deepanjan Das participated in “Springer Nature Author Workshop” organized by Jadavpur University in collaboration with Springer Nature on 17th August, 2023.
- Ranjit Barua, Sumit Bhowmik, Deepanjan Das & Arindam Banerjee participated in the 1-Week FDP on “Integrating Autodesk Fusion – 360 in Engineering Subjects” organized by Lendi Institute of Engineering & Technology, Vizianagaram in association with Autodesk from 26th June to 1st July, 2023.
- Deepanjan Das participated in National Webinar on “Non-Traditional Machining” organized by Mallabhum Institute of Technology, Bishnupur on 15th March, 2023.
- Sumit Bhowmik participated in STTP through ICT mode on “Introduction to SCILAB (CU02)” organized by NITTTR, Kolkata from 27th February 2023 to 3rd March, 2023.
- Ranjit Barua participated in the “2nd International conference on “Recent Advances in Materials, Manufacturing and Machine”” organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering, Nagpur, from 2nd February to 4th February, 2023.
- Ranjit Barua attended the workshop on “Advanced Material Characterization” conducted by CMTI, Bangalore on 31st January, 2023.
- Ranjit Barua, Deepanjan Das, Sumit Bhowmik, Arindam Banerjee & Premchand De participated in the “11th National Seminar (Hybrid) on Ancient Indian Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)” conducted by NITTTR, Kolkata on 15th October, 2022.
- Ranjit Barua and Sumit Bhowmik participated in the “2nd International Conference on Emergent Converging Technologies & Biomedical System 2022” organized by Jaypee University of Information Technology (H.P.) on 23rd & 24th September, 2022.
- Ranjit Barua completed the Online course “Mastercam CAD CAM and CNC Programming” conducted by Udemy from 29th July to 30th August, 2022.
- Arindam Banerjee attended the FDP on “Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing)” conducted by Webel Fujisoft Vara Centre of Excellence, Kolkata on 24th August, 2022.
- Ranjit Barua and Debasish Banerjee Attended a Seminar on “PTC CREO Simulation Driven Design” organized by RHS Engineering Service, Kolkata on 11th August, 2022.
- Ranjit Barua and Sumit Bhowmik attended the “22nd CII National Supervisory Skills Competition” organized by Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) on 30th July, 2022.
- Deepanjan Das, Ranjit Barua, Sumit Bhowmik & Kunal Adhikary participated in a Webinar on “Advanced Numerical Techniques – Applications in Engineering and Medical Sciences” organized by Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal, on 20th April, 2022.
- Deepanjan Das, Ranjit Barua, Sumit Bhowmik & Kunal Adhikary participated in a 6-Day FDP on “Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology” organized by GIET University, Gunupur, Odisha, from 11th April to 16th April, 2022.
- Ranjit Barua participated in National Conference on "Recent Trends in Biomedical and Clinical Research” organized by Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal, India on 27th March, 2022.
- Sumit Bhowmik participated in Design Talk Session on “Importance of Design in Start-Up Culture” organized by The Confederation of Indian Industry on 25th March, 2022.
- Deepanjan Das, Ranjit Barua, Sumit Bhowmik & Kunal Adhikary participated in “IP Awareness/Training Program” under National Intellectual Property Awareness Mission organized by Intellectual Property Office (GOI) on 14th March, 2022.
- Ranjit Barua, Deepanjan Das, Kunal Adhikary & Arindam Banerjee participated in a 5-Day Online FDP on “Emerging Technologies” organized by Dr. B.C. Roy Engineering College, Durgapur, from 8th March to 12th March, 2022.
- Ranjit Barua, Deepanjan Das, Sumit Bhowmik & Kunal Adhikary participated in a 5-Day FDP through ICT mode on “Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning” organized by Dr. B.C. Roy Polytechnic, from 15th February to 19th February, 2022.
- Arindam Banerjee participated in a 5-Day FDP on “Artificial Intelligence in Industry 4.0” organized by IEM Kolkata, from 14th February to 18th February, 2022.
- Deepanjan Das participated in a 5-Day ATAL Academy Online Elementary FDP on “Supply Chain Management” organized by IMI Bhubaneswar, from 17th January to 21st January, 2022
- Ranjit Barua, Arindam Banerjee, Sumit Bhowmik & Debasish Banerjee participated in the “2nd International conference on thermal engineering and management advances (ICTEMA 2022)” organized by Jalpaiguri Government Engineering College, Jalpaiguri, from 15th January to 16th January, 2022.
- Sumit Bhowmik participated in the “National Conference on Engineering Education (NCEE2021)” organized by NITTTR, Kolkata, from 11th November to 12th November, 2021.
- Arindam Banerjee participated in the 8-Week online NPTEL-AICTE FDP on “Introduction to Research Methodology” conducted by Indian Institute of Technology – Madras, Aug – Oct, 2021.
- Kunal Adhikary participated in STTP through ICT mode on “Refresher Course in Engineering Mechanics: Principles of Statics (ICT157)” organized by NITTTR, Kolkata from 13th September 2021 to 17th September 2021.
- Deepanjan Das participated in a 5-Day ATAL Academy Online Elementary FDP on “Basics of Electric Vehicles” organized by Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology, Patiala, from 10th September 2021 to 14th September 2021.
- Kunal Adhikary participated in STTP through ICT mode on “CAD/CAM (ICT156)” organized by NITTTR, Kolkata from 6th September 2021 to 10th September 2021.
- Ranjit Barua participated in STTP through ICT mode on “Introduction to Welding Processes (ICT144)” organized by NITTTR, Kolkata from 30th August 2021 to 3rd September 2021.
- Ranjit Barua participated in a 5-Day ATAL Academy Online Elementary FDP on “Computer Assisted Design and Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) in clinical diagnosis and therapeutics” organized by Chettinad Academy of Research and Education, Chennai, from 9th August to 13th August, 2021.
- Ranjit Barua participated in a 5-Day ATAL Academy Online Elementary FDP “Faculty Development Program on Precision Health Technology (FDPPHT-2021)” organized by National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur, from 4th August to 8th August, 2021.
- Ranjit Barua participated in a 5-Day ATAL Academy Online Elementary FDP on “Advances in Earthquake Engineering” organized by LBS College of Engineering, Kasaragod, from 26th July to 30th July, 2021.
- Sumit Bhowmik participated in the One-Day Webinar on “World Nature Conservation Day” conducted by IPS Academy Indore, Research Foundation of India & JHERF on 28th July, 2021.
- Sumit Bhowmik participated in the One-Day Workshop on “NAAC Related Quality Enhancement Techniques” conducted by Research Foundation of India & JHERF on 23rd July, 2021.
- Deepanjan Das participated in a 5-Day ATAL Academy Online Elementary FDP on “NBA Accreditation Process” organized by JNTUA, Ananthapuramu, from 28th June to 2nd July, 2021
- Sumit Bhowmik participated in the One-Day Webinar on “Additive Manufacturing – Reinventing design and manufacturing” conducted by McGraw Hill on 28th June, 2020.
- Ranjit Barua participated in a 5-Day ATAL Academy Online Elementary FDP on “Engineering Modeling and Simulation using CFD” organized by National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur, from 21st June to 25th June, 2021.
- Ranjit Barua & Kunal Adhikary participated in a 3-Day FDP on “Innovations in Mechanical Engineering & Technology” organized by Dr. B.C. Roy Polytechnic, Durgapur from 18th June to 20th June, 2021.
- Deepanjan Das participated in a 5-Day FDP on “Universal Human Values” conducted by AICTE for MAKAUT, BPUT, ASTU and Eastern Region (ERO) from 18th January to 22nd January, 2021.
- Ranjit Barua participated in a 5-Day ATAL Academy Online Elementary FDP on “Robotics” organized by Vidya Academy of Science and Technology, Thrissur, Kerala, from 11th January to 15th January, 2021.
- Ranjit Barua, Arindam Banerjee & Kunal Adhikary participated in a 3-Day FDP on “Advancement in Industrial Automation and Environmental Friendly Manufacturing” organized by Asansol Institute of Engineering and Management – Polytechnic, Asansol, from 28th December to 30th December, 2020.
- Ranjit Barua & Sumit Bhowmik participated in “35th Indian Engineering Congress”, organized by The Institution of Engineers (India), from 18th December to 20th December, 2020.
- Arindam Banerjee participated in a 5-day FDP Program on “Robotics” organized by K.E. Society’s Rajarambapu Institute of Technology, Rajaramnagar from 7th December to 11th December, 2020.
- Ranjit Barua participated in a 2-Day National Seminar on “Ancient Indian Education System” organized by NITTTR-KOLKATA, from 11th November to 12th November 2020.
- Deepanjan Das participated in the 1-Day webinar on “Research Facility Training Program” conducted under SSR of DST-CRG Project on 9th October, 2020.
- Ranjit Barua participated in a 1-Day National Seminar on “Advances in Machining” organized by NITTTR-KOLKATA, 26th September, 2020.
- Ranjit Barua participated in a 5-Day ATAL Academy Online Elementary FDP on “Additive Manufacturing Technology” organized by Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology, Namburu, Andhra Pradesh, from 21st September to 25th September, 2020.
- Ranjit Barua participated in a 5-Day ATAL Academy Online Elementary FDP on “Green Technology and Sustainability Engineering” organized by St. Joseph College of Engineering, Chennai, from 7th September to 11th September, 2020.
- Ranjit Barua participated in IEEE International Conference on “Convergence in Engineering” organized by NSEC-Kolkata, from 5th September to 6th September, 2020.
- Sumit Bhowmik participated in the One-Day Webinar on “Electric Vehicles and Grid Integration of Renewable Energy Systems” conducted by National Productivity Council (Govt. of India) on 29th August, 2020.
- Sumit Bhowmik participated in the One-Day Webinar on “Effective Management of Digital Footprint” conducted by National Productivity Council (Govt. of India) on 28th August, 2020.
- Deepanjan Das participated in the 5-Day Faculty Development program on “Deeksharambh (Student Induction Program)” conducted by NIT, Patna from 10th August to 14th August, 2020.
- Ranjit Barua participated in International Symposium on “Energy and Sustainable Development: A Gandhian Approach” organized by IIT-Patna and Aalborg University, Denmark, 7th August, 2020.
- Sumit Bhowmik participated in the One-Day Webinar on “Augmented Reality & its Applications” conducted by McGraw Hill on 5th August, 2020.
- Arindam Banerjee participated in 5-day FDP Program on “Research Trends in Science and Technology” organized by Institute of Engineering and Management (IEM) Kolkata from 27th July to 31st July, 2020.
- Deepanjan Das participated in the 1-Day webinar on “Mental Health Education in Lockdown” conducted by Vishisht School of Management, Indore, on 10th May, 2020.
- Deepanjan Das participated in the 1-Day webinar on “Personality Development During Pandemic” conducted by Vishisht School of Management, Indore, on 7th May, 2020.
- Deepanjan Das participated in the 4-Day Faculty Development program on “Recent and Future Trends in Technology” conducted by Guru Nanak Institute of Technology, Sodepur, Kolkata, from 27th April to 2nd May, 2020.
- Deepanjan Das participated in the 4-Day “Online Examination Reforms Training Workshop” conducted by AICTE and KLE Technological University, Hubballi, from 29th April to 2nd May, 2020.
- Deepanjan Das participated in the 12-Week online NPTEL-AICTE FDP on “Fundamentals of Automotive System” conducted by Indian Institute of Technology – Madras, Jan – Apr, 2020.
- Sumit Bhowmik participated in the 8-Week online NPTEL-AICTE FDP on “Theory and Practice of Non-Destructive Testing” conducted by Indian Institute of Technology – Madras, Jan – Mar, 2020.
- Ranjit Barua attended the “International Symposium on 3D Printing Technology, 2019” organized by The Institution of Engineers (India) and Institute of Engineering & Management, Kolkata on 9th November, 2019.
- Kunal Adhikary attended the SOLIDWORKS 2020 Launch Eventorganized byPelf Infotech Pvt Ltd, at The Park Hotel, Kolkata on 6th November, 2019.
- Ranjit Barua & Arindam Banerjee attended the CII 2nd Higher Education Conclave – Impact of Disruptive Technologies on Higher Education” organized by Confederation of Indian Industry, Eastern Region, Kolkata on 17th August, 2019.
- Deepanjan Das participated in the 8-Week online NPTEL-AICTE FDP on “Introduction to Research” conducted by Indian Institute of Technology – Madras, Aug – Oct, 2019.
- Deepanjan Das participated in the 7-Day FDP on “Student Induction Program – SI” organized by Indian Institute of Technology – Mandi, from 30th June to 6th July 2019.
- Deepanjan Das participated in the 4-Week online NPTEL-AICTE FDP on “Effective Engineering Teaching in Practice” conducted by Indian Institute of Technology – Madras, Jan – Feb, 2019.
- Sumit Bhowmik participated in the 12-Week online NPTEL-AICTE FDP on “Engineering Fracture Mechanics” conducted by Indian Institute of Technology – Madras, Jul – Oct, 2018.
- Ranjit Barua attended a National Conference on “Biophysical Controls and Quantitative Interpretation in Medicine” organized by IIEST Shibpur (WB) on 7th September 2018.
- Deepanjan Das participated in the 4-Week online NPTEL-AICTE FDP on “Introduction to Abrasive Machining and Finishing Processes” conducted by Indian Institute of Technology – Roorkee, Aug – Sep, 2018.
- Sumit Bhowmik participated in the 8-Week online NPTEL-AICTE FDP on “Nature and Properties of Materials” conducted by Indian Institute of Technology – Madras, Aug – Sep, 2018.
- Ranjit Barua participated in the AICTE-ISTE approved Induction/Refresher Program on “Developing Teaching Competency for 21st Century Learners” from 16th-21st July 2018, organized by Technique Polytechnic Institute, Hooghly (WB).
- Deepanjan Das attended a 3-Day FDP on “Student Induction Program” from 16th -18th July, 2018, at Sister Nivedita University, Rajarhat.
- Ranjit Barua attended a one-day workshop on “Aiming for Excellence: Pathways to Institutional Advancement through Research” on 27th February 2018, conducted by AICTE (ER) at Aliah University (Park Circus campus, Kolkata).
- Sumit Bhowmik attended a Two-day National Seminar on “Recent trends in Mechanical Engineering” on 28th and 29th March, 2018 at Future Institute of Engineering and Management (Sonarpur, WB).
- Deepanjan Das attended a 5-Day Workshop on “CFD Analysis of Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Problems Using FEM & FVM” organised by IIT (ISM) Dhanbad from 3rd – 7th July, 2017.
- Ranjit Barua attended a Workshop on “Research Methodology”, from 16th to 18th June, 2016 at IIEST Shibpur.
Career Prospect
Job Opportunities in Industries
Mechanical Engineers deal with designing, development, production, installation, operation and maintenance of the smallest equipment to the largest machineries.
Mechanical Engineers are regularly recruited in both public and private sectors. Students with a B. Tech degree in Mechanical Engineering can join an Industry as Assistant Engineers or Engineering/Management Trainees and go up the ladder to become Executive Engineers, Managers or Directors. The job profiles include Production Engineer, Maintenance Engineer, R&D Engineer, Site Engineer, Chartered Engineer, Project Manager, Operations Manager, etc.
The sectors that provide major opportunities to a Mechanical Engineer are:
Manufacturing Industries (Metal & Alloy, Paper, Leather, Textile, Electronics, Electricals) |
Automotive Industries (Car, Bus, Truck, Motor Cycle, Cranes, Bulldozer) |
Aerospace Industries (Aeroplane, Helicopter, Rocket, Satellite, SLV) |
Ship Building Industries (Cruise Ship, Cargo Ship, Yacht) |
Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Industries (Refrigerator, Air-Conditioner, HVAC) |
Defense Industries (Fighter Jet, Frigate, Submarine, Missile) |
Power Plant Industries (Thermal, Nuclear) |
Chemical Industries (Plastic, Soap, Glass, Pharmaceutical, Fertilizer, Disinfectants) |
Agricultural Industries (Food Production, Food Processing, Tools and Machinery) |
Railway Industries (Locomotive, Coach, Wagon, Wheel and Axle) |
Oil and Gas Exploration and Refining Industries (Petroleum, Natural Gas) |
Engineering Consultancy Services |
Mechanical Engineers are also absorbed in Modern Engineering Sectors like:
Nanotechnology Companies (Computer Chip, Carbon Nanotube, Nano-glue) |
Biomechanical and Biomedical Industries (Prosthetics, Cardiac Pacemaker, Oxygen Concentrator, Pulse Oximeter) |
Robot Manufacturing Industries (Material Handling Robot, Welding Robot, Agricultural Robot, Robot Vacuum Cleaner) |
Renewable Energy Industries (Hydel, Solar, Wind, Geothermal, Tidal) |
Higher Studies and Research Opportunities
A student with a B. Tech degree in Mechanical Engineering can opt for higher studies including M. Tech. and MBA in Reputed Academic Institutions in India and abroad. For this, he/she has to qualify in entrance examinations like GATE, CAT, GRE etc.
Mechanical Engineering Degree holders can also go for higher research programs and/or pursue career in Academics and become Professors and Lecturers in Universities and Colleges.
Placement / Internship
Name of the student | Organization working with | Passout Year |
Pukar Acharya | NHPC Ltd. – Teesta V as Intern | 2023 |
Aman Singh | Ola Cars | 2021 |
Saura Shuvra Kumar | Pioneer Packaging Industries Pvt. Ltd. | 2021 |
Avitesh Kumar Singh | Pinnacle Infotech Solutions | 2020 |
Tanmoy Paul | A B Polypacks Pvt. Ltd. | 2020 |
Md Sahid Mollah | Flipkart as Intern | 2020 |
Naba Kumar Patra | Flipkart as Intern | 2020 |
Biprajit Ghosh | Flipkart as Intern | 2020 |
Sujan Adak | Flipkart as Intern | 2020 |
Subham Samanta | Artisto Technologies Private Limited as Intern | 2020 |
Bhaskar Pramanik | Pioneer Packaging Industries Pvt. Ltd. | 2019 |
Souvik Manna | Aich Group of Companies | 2019 |
Soumojyoti Mondal | Aich Group of Companies | 2019 |
Riju Ghorai | Associated Industrial Furnaces Pvt. Ltd. | 2019 |
Vikash Tiwari | Associated Industrial Furnaces Pvt. Ltd. | 2019 |
For attractive scholarship details call +91 81005 00600
Eligibility Criteria 2025-26
- Valid rank in WBJEE or JEE (Main) 2024.
- 10+2 Board Exam – 45% aggregate in Physics, Mathematics along with Chemistry / Biology / Biotechnology / Computer Science / Information Technology /Information Practices / Engineering Graphics/ Business Studies. Candidates must clear Theory & Practical examination. 40% marks in case of candidates of SC/ST/OBC in the above subjects taken together.
- Passed in English
# The lower age limit is 17 (seventeen) years as on 31.12.2024
# No upper age limit.
Admission Procedure
Academic Session 2025-26
The candidate can take admission via WBJEEB Counselling process or can come to college directly for admission.
For WBJEEB Counselling:
- After publication the counseling notification of WBJEE, students have to register for e-counseling process, to the portal of West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination Board (
- Students have to fill their choice of streams and as well as institute. Students will get their allotment of seat according to the choice filled.
- After getting the allotment, students need to report to the reporting centre (list given in the WBJEE portal).
- After reporting to the reporting centre, students report to the respective institute for taking admission.
- Students, who are intended to take direct admission, contact office to the institution.
Fee Structure
Fee Structure for B.Tech. 2025-26
Semester* | I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII | VIII | Total |
Amount Payable | |||||||||
Admission Fees | 5,000 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5,000 |
Tuition Fees | 55,000 | 55,000 | 55,000 | 55,000 | 55,000 | 55,000 | 55,000 | 55,000 | 440,000 |
Library Fee | 750 | 750 | 750 | 750 | 750 | 750 | 750 | 750 | 6,000 |
Students Activity | 500 | 500 | 500 | 500 | 500 | 500 | 500 | 500 | 4,000 |
Refundable Caution Deposit | 5,000 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5,000 |
Total | 66,250 | 56,250 | 56,250 | 56,250 | 56,250 | 56,250 | 56,250 | 56,250 | 460,000 |
*As per No: 466-Edn-(T)/l0M -0412004 (Part IV) Date: 16.10.2023
Semester I, III, V covers period July to December & Semester II, IV, VI covers period January to June.
- MAKAUT Fee (Registration, Student Development, Examination etc.) is to be paid separately, as applicable.
- Tuition Fee & other fees are subject to revision by the Fee Structure Committee, Govt. of West Bengal / MAKAUT.
- Fee (without late fine) needs to be paid semester wise, within 10th of the first month of the semester. Late payment of fees will cause payment of the late fine and such other action as may deemed appropriate by the suitable authority
- Transport Fee will be charged extra in accordance with distance travelled.
- Uniform Fee will have to be paid extra to the uniform supplier.
- Transport / Hostel Facility can be availed subject to availability