Dept. of Architecture Presents bi-annual e-journal PRAKASH Admissions Open 2023-24 Attractive Merit Based Scholarships Student Credit Card
  • Sukrit Sen Thumbnail
    Sukrit Sen Alumni: 2018 Course: B.Arch
    Right from childhood, I wanted to pursue a career in an avenue where I would be able to express my individuality and architecture seemed to be the best choice. While I joined OmDayal Group of Institutions in 2013, I was skeptical for it was a new college, far from my city, but when I look back at one of the most enriching 5 years of my life, I realise that OmDayal Group of Institutions and its professors really encouraged me to chisel out my real interest, that lied in Heritage Conservation. The journey started with implementing small attributes of heritage in my annual design projects to developing a sustainable conservation plan through architectural design in my final thesis, which further led me to pursue my masters in Heritage Management and build a career in the same today. Although, I am not into hardcore designing today but as I reflect on my work, I realise that the basic principles that I have learnt as a student of architecture, has proven to be very fruitful in finding solutions and linking the tangible and intangible.
  • Debashrita Kundu Thumbnail
    Debashrita Kundu Alumni: 2020 Course: B.Arch
    College life remains a memorable time for all of us and mine is no different. I always look back at the times spent in OmDayal Group of Institutions as one of my greatest memories. The teachers welcomed us with open arms and we could approach them at times of need. Moreover, my college life exposed me to various experiences where my teachers were always there to guide me. I learnt to face challenges, take responsibilities and find the balance between fun and sincerity. My college life at OmDayal Group of Institutions will definitely remain to be the golden times of my youth.
  • Shalini Bhattacharjee Thumbnail
    Shalini Bhattacharjee Alumni: 2020 Course: B.Arch
    Talking about my college experience, I am grateful to have been part of a college that nurtured my creativity and allowed me to explore new possibilities in every aspect of academic life. It is to this place, that I owe my design and thinking capabilities, and the amazing people whom I’ve come to know over the years. The architectural tours, the regional and national competitions, and the never-ending deadlines kept us on our toes throughout the year. I and my classmates shared a bond not only with each other but also with our teachers that extended well beyond our dedicated classrooms, into long rides back home, over conference calls and even all-nighters before submissions. Rooting for our college amidst a dozen other colleges, on various competition grounds, still remains one of my most cherished experiences ever.
  • Suvangi Guha Thumbnail
    Suvangi Guha Alumni: 2020 Course: B.Arch
    The duration of 5 years in an Architecture school is never easy but it has a lot of good memorie in it too . Starting from making new friends to losing a few, has left a bitter sweet taste yet all the memories are cherished till date. Doing assignments with deadlines, attending all classes from morning to even ing was somehow a little easier with friends, awesome seniors and a few great teachers . Cultural fests, competitions were an integral part of it . It wasn’t easy to travel 90 km up and down to college but those times in the bus journey was one of the best part of it because it mostly included reminiscing all the drama that happened over the day at college. Also prepping for exams and chilling with friends for a straight 2 hours was like a blessing in disguise. A journey for a duration of 5 years can never be a walk in the park but in the end we all miss it a little, even if we try to deny. Gratetul to all, even if they had a very little part, in shaping my life and for the wonderful time offered, over these years.
  • Oindrilla Chatterjee Thumbnail
    Oindrilla Chatterjee Alumni: 2020 Course: B.Arch
    My experience in college has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. It gave me the skills to be not only a good architect but also a responsible and hardworking individual. Five years of my life I could successfully dedicate to my studies because of the environment the college provided with it’s ever helpful teachers who always looked after the well being of their students. I was fortunate that I found great friends with whom I had amazing memories at our campus, educational tours and even those long-haul journeys back home. I never felt so proud of myself then on the day I graduated.
  • Ankita Das Thumbnail
    Ankita Das Alumni: 2020 Course: B.Arch
    In 2015 the journey started with lots of questions and queries. This phase of life allowed us with lots of opportunities to explore and to do experiments and also guide throughout and prepared us for all the uncertain things that are going to happen and also for all the unpredictable situations that can happen anytime while practicing. During these 5 years I have met different people, interact with them, learn about their different things and also learn to work as a team with all the differences we have. These years where the memorable years that have joy, happiness, stressed phases, successes and fails but end these 5 years made us believe in ourselves that we can do things it might take some time but we can to it.
  • Gargi Sikdar Thumbnail
    Gargi Sikdar Alumni: 2020 Course: B.Arch
    School life gives us a comfort that no other institution can give. After spending almost a decade of our life there, the place indeed becomes one’s “second home”. Thus it was quite nerve wrecking entering the college life, meeting new people in an unfamiliar environment. Yet the five years that I spent in Om Dayal was quite memorable. Yes, the experience in the beginning of our first year was scary, but through the collected effort of the teachers and our seniors, the time spent in college soon became enjoyable. When our batch entered, the course was still new in our college. Yet the teachers were adept with their respective subjects which helped in our better understanding. Although we could be frank about our problems with our teachers, we were judged fairly and justly during any reviews. Through the collective efforts of the students and teachers, we were able to place our college beside veteran colleges in competitions like Nasa and Zonasa.
  • Ushmita Roy Thumbnail
    Ushmita Roy Alumni: 2018 Course: B.Arch
    My five years in Architecture Department were one of my best experiences I ever had. I am thankful to all the faculty members of the college for their continuous efforts and support. It gave me exposure to various extra-curricular activities along with great academics. It provided all the facilities and encouragement needed to attain success in life. Looking back, I can see my department was extremely important and a stepping stone in my career. It allowed me to develop my interpersonal skills, which are extremely important in any field of work. I cherish every moment spent at this institution.
  • Anirudhya Das Thumbnail
    Anirudhya Das Alumni: 2020 Course: B.Arch
    The journey at ODCA for five years has been a kind of a roller coaster ride. Amidst the industrial hub, lies out our Alma Mater, OmDayal Group of Institutions: College of Engineering and Architecture. This five years journey has not only given us the tag of an architect, but also has taught us several moral ethics and principles of being an architect. Starting from the basic understanding of design principles to penning it down to sheets, it was all possible because of the finest set of faculties and the administration head of the department. Their hands and minds were always behind us and for which, we are now emerged as upcoming architects of this City of Joy. Personally, besides the unconditional guidance and proper mentoring, OmDayal College of Architecture has given me the exposure to the other renowned colleges of the country and their design typologies and techniques, which helped me to construct a leadership quality in me. I am also happy to be a part of the student community of architecture which is also known as NASA INDIA (National Association of Students of Architecture), through which I was introduced to the vast world of the architecture fraternity across India, and that helped me to develop my design understanding as well as leadership quality. Being the Unit Secretary of ODCA, it has given me the opportunity to become a better human being and develop communication skills across the faculties and students. Not to forget the annual educational tours and attending meets and seminars across the country, which helped me to explore to the depth of this field. Lastly, I would like to end this note by thanking ODCA for providing me with such a beautiful set of friends, rather a family, and faculties on whom I shall be countable forever.
  • Debarpan Dey Thumbnail
    Debarpan Dey Alumni: 2020 Course: B.Arch
    TRANSIENCE OF THE QUINTUPLE The unforgettable journey of the five years has been truly wonderful. Every bit incited in us the power to enlighten the name ‘ODCA’ and to instill into this vast industry. Nothing could have been better as an experience for the life of an under-grad whose career is under process.

    Architecture is recorded as the toughest course in the world but everyone & everything I came across had just made it more easier for me. The establishment was too belligerent with Fibonacci series though mostly it ended in a jocular mood. From the unknown to the underdog, I had seen quite the transition – and words are too limited for the expression of the experience.

    Not the past
    But the passing of the stacks
    Immersed from the none,
    But that life used to be full of hacks
    The feelings never passed
    Just stayed the way it was at
    the doorsteps

    That was the way in and also the way out
    I say that, "I’m proud"
    to be a part and now I shout

    In pain as I miss the good
    From "get outs" to the "scolding"
    They were actually building
    the scaffolding

    That now has built the mass
    Enriched with concrete and cast

    Friends were always
    the support the greatness

    No sophistication and no at all solemn
    but have done the task of a column

    These are too raw
    everything has a flaw

    That eventually gets reflected
    everything is free but this life
    is more than an investment

    Live to earn because once it ends
    you will have to live the rest with
    just the losses
  • Deepanjan Dey Thumbnail
    Deepanjan Dey Alumni: 2018 Course: B.Tech in M.E. Working at Ceratizit India Pvt Ltd.
    I am lucky to have been guided and mentored by the faculties of OmDayal Group of Institutions who were a constant source of support and inspiration to me. I owe my success in getting a job to my teachers who have instilled in me confidence and determination. I am working as a Quality Control Engineer in Ceratizit India Pvt Ltd. Simultaneously I am pursuing part time PGDM from IMT Ghaziabad.
  • Soumyasri Gorai Thumbnail
    Soumyasri Gorai Alumni: 2019 Course: B.Tech in C.S.E. Working at Infosys, Bengaluru
    My study of B.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering at OmDayal Group of Institutions was my best period in life. It brought clarity of my thoughts, knowledge. It gave me the courage and conviction to achieve my goals. Today my job as a web designer at Infosys, Bengaluru has been due to the quality of teachers and their friendly attitude and the knowledge that I gathered from them.
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