Seminar on Data Analytics & Geo-Informatics On 9th November, 2019
Data Analytics & Geo- Informatics are the two emerging areas of research in Computer Science & Engineering empowering Decision making in business, project planning, Demand-supply chain, Trends and natural resource management, by embedding with various other fields like Machine Learning & Image Processing. As it is the need of the hour for CSE students, a seminar on “Data Analytics & Geo- Informatics” was organized by the Computer Science & Engineering department on 9th November, 2019. As the current year is celebrated as the Birth centenary of Dr. Vikram A Sarabhai, the father of Indian Space Research, the said seminar was dedicated to him. Two well-known speakers Dr. Soumya Bandyopadhyay, Scientist/Engineer – SG and Head (Applications), Regional Remote Sensing Centre (East), NRSC/ISRO, and Dr. Debasish Chakraborty Scientist/Engineer – SF, Regional Remote Sensing Centre (East), NRSC/ISRO Kolkata were invited to deliver and share their views on the respective topics. About 100 students of the Institute along with a good number of students from different college have participated in the said seminar. The detailed program is stated below.
All members of the Computer Science & Engineering department of Omdayal Group of Institutions and the students of the department have committed their sincere effort towards the success of the event but especially we would like to thank Dr. Mrinal Kanti Ghose, HOD of Computer Science & Engineering department and Prof. Dipankar Hazra, the TIC of Computer Science & Engineering department to coordinate the program successfully.
10:00 am: Receiving the guests
10:15 am: Inauguration of the Seminar.
10:20 am: Overview of the program and introduction of the Speakers by Prof. M K Ghose, HOD, CSE
10:30 am: Invited talk on “Indian Earth Observation Program & the state-of-the-art Software technology” – Dr. S. Bandyopadhyay, Scientist/Engineer- SG & Head (Applications), RRSC (East), NRSC/ISRO, Kolkata.
12:00 pm: Interactions with the students and participants with special emphasis on the “Scope of training in Geo-Informatics and job opportunities for B.Tech students”.
12:15 pm: Invited talk on “Data Analytic and Machine learning in spatial data analysis and decision making”- Dr. D. Chakraborty, Scientist/Engineer- SFRRSC (East), NRSC/ISRO, Kolkata.
13:45 pm: Interactions with the students and participants.
13:55 pm: Vote of thanks by Prof. D. Hazra, Convener of the Seminar
14:00 pm: Conclusion.
The seminar was very beneficial to the participants. The invited delegates delivered their thoughts and knowledge about the respective fields so well. They shared about the ideas of new researches that can be done and also about certain past and ongoing projects. The personal interview session of the speakers gave the more clearance about the respective topics.