OmDayal Group of Institutions established its library in the year 2010. The ODGI Library started functioning with a vision to serve the information needs of its users and it mainly holds books related to engineering, architecture and its allied subjects. Presently the library has a collection of over 15,000 Volumes comprising of text and reference books and also subscribing to more than 47 journals & periodicals housed in its Central and Architecture Libraries. Beside its rich collection, library provides NPTEL facility to access video lectures and DELNET access for resource sharing. A Digital library with 10 systems to access the E-Journals, E-books, CD/DVD’s is also an important facet of the Resource Center. All house-keeping operations are fully computerized through LSEase software which also provides OPAC access of library resources. Both the libraries consist of reading area, internet browsing terminals, reference section, open access periodical display and back-volume archives.


  • To deliver full and easy access to the resources available to students, faculty members and staffs to enhance and encourage an in-depth teaching- learning experience
  • To educate the library users about the facilities and services offered through the libraries for their easeful use
  • To ensure quality and dissemination of the resources available online or offline
  • To maintain and preserve the ambience of knowledge
  • To facilitate knowledge and resource sharing among users


The library is the heart of any institution and here in ODGI the library boasts of an infrastructure and facilities that ignite and motivate the young minds into achieving greater heights. The libraries of the college run with the mission of taking the institution to a level of technical excellence through timely and smart dissemination of the knowledge required for the students to inculcate the skills essential for a globally competent personality. The libraries also aim at boosting the research and developmental activities undertaken by the faculty members and others associated with the institution.


Monday to Saturday : 09:45am to 04:30pm
Library closed on : Every Sunday, Public Holidays

Library Personnel

Name Designation Qualification Experience Email
Kousik Mondal Library-In-Charge MA, MLIS in Digital Library, UGC-CBSE-NET, Ph.D. 16 years
Randhir Kumar Assistant Librarian M.A., MLIS 13 years

Library Rules

1. Library Hours

The Library shall remain open for service:

Monday to Saturday: 09:45am to 04:30pm


Library closed on: Every Sunday, Public Holidays

2. General Rules

  • Total silence to be maintained.
  • Library is NO MOBILE ZONE.
  • Student must bring ID card in the library.
  • All readers are required to maintain discipline inside the library.
  • Eating, sleeping and talking loudly are strictly prohibited inside the Library.
  • All personal belongings must be left in the specified area.
  • Each user (faculty and student) must sign in and out his/her name in the respective library attendance registers.
  • Registration should be done to become a library member prior to using the library resources & services.
  • Library membership cards are not transferable.
  • The librarian may recall any book from any member at any time and the member shall return the same immediately.
  • The borrower is responsible for the books borrowed on his/her cards.
  • Return of books will not be permitted within 24 hrs. of issue.
  • Overdue charges for students will be Rs. 1/- per book per day
  • User’s cooperation and gentle behaviour with the library staffs is expected.

3. Library Membership Registration & circulation rules:

Registration for library membership is required for availing library resources & facilities.

3.1   Faculty Members & TA: Faculty Members and Technical Assistant (TA) are allowed to borrow maximum 6 (six) books at a time for a period of 30 (thirty) days.
Newly Appointed Faculty Members and Technical Assistants are allowed to borrow maximum 2 (Two) books at a time (for the first year of service), 4 (four) books (up to the second year of service) and 6 (six) books thereafter.

3.2 Non-Teaching Staff:All non-teaching staffs of the college can borrow up to 2 (two) books at a time for a period of 30 (thirty) days.

3.3 Students: Students of B.Tech, B, Arch and M. Arch are allowed to borrow 5 (five), 3 (three) and 2 (two) library books respectively for a period of 14 (fourteen) days from Central and Architecture Library on production of their authorized/valid Library Cards. Renewal/Reissue of the books is also allowed for maximum 2(two) times after formal issue, subject to no/low demand for the respective book.

3.4 Alumni:Ex-student and Ex-faculty member/staff can access library resources for reference/reading facility only after due permission from College Principal/Vice-Principal/Registrar/Librarian together with the proof of association with the college.


Issue – Return policies for different categories of members are given below:

Member Category Books
(Current Volumes)
(Reading only)
(Back Volumes)
Max No. Duration Max No. Duration Max No. Duration
Faculty / T.A.*** 6 30 Days During Library Visit 2 14 Days None
Non-Teaching 4 30 Days During Library Visit During Library Visit None
Students B. Tech 5 14 Days During Library Visit 1 14 Days Rupee 1.00 per day per book after due date.
B. Arch 3 14 Days During Library Visit 1 14 Days Rupee 1.00 per day per book after due date.
M. Arch 2 14 Days During Library Visit 1 14 Days Rupee 1.00 per day per book after due date.

***Newly Appointed Faculty Members and Technical Assistants are allowed to borrow maximum 2 (Two) books at a time (for the first year of service), 4 (four) books (up to the second year of service) and 6 (six) books thereafter.

4. Loss of Books & Other reading materials:

User responsible for any kind of loss / damage / defacement or mutilation of books and other reading materials borrowed by him/her will require replacing them with same or latest edition of the book after getting permission from the librarian, otherwise the borrower has to pay the double amount of the latest edition including overdue amount of the same book.

5. Care of library borrower cards:

Take special care to maintain the library borrower cards. Do not fold or damage the cards. Members are responsible for the entire set of library borrower cards issued to them.

6. Loss of cards:

Loss of borrower card should be immediately reported to the librarian in writing. After checking the borrowing register, they will be issued a fresh replacement/duplicate card on a payment of Rs.50/-(fifty) only.

7. Care of Library Books:

Users are required to handle the books / Journals very carefully; marking with pencil; writing or highlighting, tearing the pages or mutilating the same in any other way will be viewed very seriously. In such case reader shall be held responsible unless these are brought to the notice of the library staff at the time of issue.

8. Library Clearance:

All students/faculty members/staff of the Institutions are required to collect their library clearance certificate from library at the end of his/her study/service, by surrendering his/her library cards, document dues.
Note that after the given deadline all outstanding fines etc. will be deducted from the College Caution Money.

9. Reference section:

Reading material in reference section of the following nature shall not be issued but can be consulted in the library (except in special cases e.g. classroom use of a teacher for a short period/photocopying purposes)

9.1. Reference material (i.e. Encyclopaedias, dictionaries, Handbooks, and the material marked ‘REFERENCE’ or ‘R’)
9.2. Theses, reports, pamphlets, syllabi, acts, Codes etc.
9.3. All unprocessed materials.
9.4. Current periodicals & newspapers.
9.5. Other material assigned by the Librarian.

10. Reading Room section:

Both the libraries have reading room facility. Users can read reading materials and newspapers. They are allowed to take reference books not more than 2(two) at a time after submission of their respective Reference Card. Personal books can be consulted inside the library premises after taking due permission from library staff.

11. Journal Section:

In this section journals, general magazines and newsletters are available. The latest issues are displayed on display rack and other previous issues are arranged in the back issue/volume cabinet.

12. OPAC Use:

OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) can be access through Internet anywhere to use for browsing online catalogue through LSEase for Cloud.

13. Rules for Internet / Digital Library / NPTEL Usage:

a) Privilege for use of internet is limited to academic projects / study related only.

b) The students are advised to use internet and other e-resources strictly for academic/educational purpose.

c) Following activities are not allowed / permitted while using internet:

  • Email & Chatting (other than academic purposes)
  • Use of social networking sites
  • Playing games
  • Watching movies and listening to music
  • Installation/updating/deletion of softwares and other applications without permission.
  • Any obscene and indecent website
  • Use of any external devices without prior permission from library staff.

d) Downloading: Users can download files pertaining to their courses, semester’s question papers, freely available e-books & periodicals to external devises like CD/DVD’s and Pen drives only after due permission from library personnel. File size should not be more than 10MB.

e) NPTEL : Courses of National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) can be accessed through Intranet terminals. Student can only view the lectures and downloading is allowed after permission from library staff.

14. Rules for Reprography & Printing:

a) Printing facility is available for library users strictly for academic/educational purposes. Applicable charges are:

  • Rs. 2/- per page for B/W
  • Rs. 3/- per page for image

b) Reprography facility is also available for academic purposes in following nominal charge/s:

  • A4  = Rs. 1/- per page

The library rules are subject to revision/update from time to time without assigning any reason. For latest Library rules and regulations, please contact The Librarian.


Resources at a glance:

Total No of Volumes 15533
Total No of Titles (e-books) 3421
Journals & Periodicals (Print) 48
Back Issues 1850
CD/DVDs collection 712
NPTEL Courses (A/V Lectures) 560
BIS codes (Print) 270
Projects/Thesis Reports 263
Kopykitab (e-books) 25
DELNET (e-journals) 1169
Daily News Papers 6

Dept. Wise Books With Titles & Volumes

Sl. No. Course(s) Titles Volumes
1. C.E. 324 2523
2. M.E. 355 2610
3. E.E. 378 1496
4. C.S.E. 556 2926
5. Mathematics 144 974
6. Physics 67 463
7. Chemistry 56 405
8. Humanities 133 688
9 B.Arch 1090 2751
10 M.Arch 74 121
11. WBUT/MAKAUT Syllabi Books 50 332
Total 3227 15,289

Other Resources

Sl. No. Items B. Tech. B. Arch.
1 Print Journals& Periodicals / Magazine (National+International) 25 23
2 Back-Issues 1850 267 (Bound Volumes)
3 News Papers:  
a)                       English 1 1
b)                       Bengali 1 1
c)                       Hindi 1 1
4 E-journals Subscription 5 2
5 Kopykitab (e-books) 25 250
6 Downloaded (e-books) 724 3610
7 Delnet (e-journals) 1077 92
8 CDs/DVDs (Free with Books & Magazines) 605 107
9 BIS Code (Print) Title:50, Vol.:270
10 Previous years semesters question papers 2011 onwards 2012 onwards
11 Specimen Copy    

E Resources

Institution subscribed/member of following e-resources:

DELNET : To access Developing Library Network (DELNET) user can log-in to DELNET website.

NPTEL : NPTEL Course Lectures videos are accessible from the following terminals through institution intranet.
Terminal Name : ‘LANGUAGESOFT’

NATIONAL DIGITAL LIBRARY(NDL): Institute is a member of NDL. Users can log-in through institute credentials.


Institute also subscribe following digital publications:

Login URL :

Login URL :

Login URL :

Inventi Impact Electrical Engineering
Login URL  :

Invertis Journal of Renewal Energy
Login URL:

Power Engineer Journal
Login URL :


Freely downloaded e-books from Internet are available through institution  Portal  (For Students )  (For Faculties)


Acquisition and Processing Section

College Library has Acquisition and Processing Section within its Library premises. Here, new documents are procured as per requisitions sent from time to time, which are then processed as per standards and norms of the library. The main function includes preparation of book list, duplicate checking, ordering, accessioning of books and processing bills for final payment. All the books received from vendors/publishers and the donated books are physically processed and accessioned in this section.

Circulation Section

Both the College Libraries have independent Circulation section within its Library premises. A specified area is allotted for Property counter where members are allowed to keep their personal belongings. They need to sign in the register at the time of entering and leaving the library. The circulation section is automated through LSEase on Cloud Library Management Software. Barcode scanners are used in the circulation counter for issue/return of books. Borrowing of documents is allowed against valid Library Cards and as per Library circulation rules.

Reference Section

Library has good collection of reference materials. A separate reading section allotted for this facility. This section has dictionaries, encyclopaedias, handbooks, codes, standards, specifications, reference copy of course books etc., which are only available for reference. To facilitate a healthy reading environment sufficient number of tables & chairs are available for the users. Entire reference section is adequately illuminated with sufficient number of fans.

Digital Library Section

Central library has a separate area exclusively devoted for a digital library comprising of 6 computer terminals with A/V facilities and Architecture Library also a separate area exclusively devoted for a digital library comprising of 4 computer terminals with A/V facilities. User can access the internet resources, listen and watch academic / course related audios & videos in the digital library.

Journal & Periodical Section

Journals, periodicals, general magazines and newsletters are available in both the libraries. Library subscribes both National & Foreign journals and periodicals as per norms. The latest issues are displayed on display racks and previous issues are arranged in the back issue cabinets. Latest issues are allowed for reading only. Back issues are allowed for circulation.

Other Sections

  • Newspapers Section
  • Print & Reprographic Section
  • Journals & Periodicals Back Volume section.
  • Stack Area
  • New Arrivals


OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) can be access through Internet anywhere to use for browsing online catalogue through KOHA. Members can check their issue status, search resources through different search criteria (i.e. Title, Author, Class No., Subject, words in title/author).


  • Circulation Service (Automated)
  • Reference Service
  • Digital resources support (E-Books)
  • Previous years Questions Papers
  • User Education
  • Reprographic service
  • Other supporting services
    1. Newspaper clipping
    2. New arrival service
    3. CD/DVD’s
    4. NPTEL
    5. Project & Thesis

Useful Website Links

5 Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Govt. of India.
6 Banglar Uchchashiksha – Dept. of Higher Education, GoWB.
7 National Digital Library
8 National Archives of India
9 e-PG Pathshala
10 VIDYAMITRA: Integrated E-Content Portal
11 Spoken tutorial
12 SWAYAM: Free Online Education
13 Directory of Open Access Books
14 DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals
15 Free E-books by Project Gutenberg
16 Internet Archive
17 HathiTrust’s Digital Library
18 National Scholarship Portal


Print Journals & Periodicals of B.Tech. & B.Arch.

List of Journals (B.Tech)

Civil Engineering

  Sl No. Title Publisher Frequency
National 1 Civil Engg. & Construction Review Ms. Sneha Datta Monthly
2 The IUP Journal of Structural Engineering The Icfai University press Quarterly
3 CW construction world ASAPP Media Pvt.Ltd. Monthly
4 Indian Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology Research GBS Publishers & Distributors (India) Half-Yearly
5 The Indian Concrete Journal ACC Limited Monthly
6 AMC Indian Journal of Civil Engineering Indian Journal of Computer Science By-Monthly

Electrical Engineering

  Sl No. Title Publisher Frequency
National 1 Equipment India ASAPP Media Pvt.Ltd. Monthly
2 The IUP Journal of Electrical & Electronics Engineering The Icfai University press Quarterly
3 CIGRE India Journal CIGRE India Half-Yearly
4 Indian Journal of Electrical Engineering GBS Publishers & Distributors (India) Half-Yearly
5 AARO Journal Journal International Association on Electricity Generation, Transmission and Distribution Half-Yearly
6 Inventi Impact: Electrical Engineering Inventi Journal Quarterly

Mechanical Engineering

  Sl No. Title Publisher Frequency
National 1 The IUP Journal of Mechanical Engineering The Icfai University press Quarterly
2 Journal of Mechanical Robotics Mat Journals Triannual
3 Indian Foundry Journal The Institute of Indian Foundrymen Monthly
4 Indian Welding Journal The Indian Institute of Welding Quarterly
5 Invertis Journal of Renewable Energy INVERTIS Quarterly
6 Power Engineer Journal Society of Power Engineering Half-Yearly

Computer Science Engineering

  Sl No. Title Publisher Frequency
National 1 The IUP Journal of Information Technology The Icfai University press Quarterly
2 The IUP Journal of Computer science The Icfai University press Quarterly
3 Indian Journal of Computer Science GBS Publishers & Distributors (India) Half-Yearly
4 IETE Journal of Research IETE Bimonthly
5 IETE Technical Review IETE Bimonthly
6 Indian Journal of Advances in Computer Science and Technology GBS Publishers & Distributors (India) Half-Yearly
List of Journals & Periodicals (B.Arch.)
  Sl No. Title Publisher Frequency
National 1 New Building Materials & Construction World: NBM & CW Monthly NBM Media Pvt Ltd. New Delhi
2 Indian Journal of Architecture and Civil Engineering Bi-Annual Academic Res Pub
3 Art India Quarterly Art India Publishing, Mumbai
4 Marg Quarterly The Marg Foundation
5 MGS Modern Green Structures & Architecture Monthly NBM Media Pvt Ltd. New Delhi
6 Architecture + Design: an Indian journal of architecture Monthly Exposure Media Marketing Pvt. Ltd.
7 Journal of the Indian Institute of Architects (JIIA) Monthly The Indian Institute of Architects (IIA), Mumbai
8 ITPI Journal Quarterly Institute of Town Planners(ITPI), New Delhi
9 LA! Journal of Landscape Architecture Quarterly LA, Journal of Architecture, New Delhi
10 My Liveable City Halfyearly Ironman Media and Advisory Services Pvt Ltd
11 International Journal of architectural design and infrastructure planning Half Yearly Eureka Journals
12 International journal of construction & architecture innovations Half Yearly Eureka Journals
13 Global Journal  of environmental planning  & Architectural heritage Half Yearly Eureka Journals
14 Indian journal of architecture & town planning Half Yearly GBS publ & distr (india)
15 International journal of housing & human settlement planning Half Yearly Journals pub (stm), delh
16 International  journal of sustainable building technology Half Yearly Journals pub (stm), delhi
17 Environment & urbanization Asia  Half Yearly Sage publications
18 Research & reviews: journal of architectural  designing Triannually HBRP pub
19 Comprehensive advanced  specific summarised  studies (for architecture – cass studies) Half Yearly Bureau for Health
  Sl No. Title Publisher Frequency
International 1 Architectural Record Monthly BNP Media
2 International Journal of Urban Design Half Yearly Dhruv Info Systems Pvt,Ltd.
3 HOUSES Bi Monthly Architecture  media pte ltd
4 ENR : Engineering News Record Weekly  BNP Media
5 Thee Plan 8 times a year Centauro

Architecture Library


The Architecture Library at OmDayal Group of Institutions (ODGI) started functioning from 2012 as a separate library within ODGI campus. It is located on the 1st floor of the Architecture Building covering more than 150 sq. meters. The Architecture library supports the research, teaching & learning needs of the faculty, staff and students of the Department of Architecture, ODGI. The library comprises over 2,800 volumes and 23 periodicals on the architecture and its allied subjects. Collection covers the subjects of arts, graphic, architectural data, building & construction, design, architectural theory, history, interior, landscape, urban design, town planning, architectural thesis of COA, biography & works of eminent architects, and ready references. There is also an exclusive thesis section where all the final year thesis reports are kept for record and consultation. A separate area within the library is allocated for back issues of journals & periodicals.

Library Hours: Monday to Saturday: 09:45 a.m. to 04:30 p.m..

Salient features of Architecture Library:

  • Good collection of Reference & Text books
  • Reading room facility with seating capacity around 60 people
  • Facility for Internet & OPAC
  • Circulation & other house-keeping operations through LSEase Integrated Library Management software
  • Previous semesters question papers (Digital + Print copy)
  • DELNET for Resource sharing with institutional login
  • NPTEL facility to access video lectures through intranet
  • The library is a member of National Digital Library (NDL)
  • E-books through college portal
  • User Orientation / education
  • Reprographic service
  • Reference & Information service
